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Business Intelligence

A short introduction to the Business Intelligence features of The X Cloud Platform

Business Intelligence Detailed matters.

Do you know your profit margin or your bank balance?

Not what it should be or what it was last week, but what it is this very minute. Could you put your finger on it?

Can you access any of your business metrics, on any device, at any time, from anywhere?

If not, would you like to?

The X Cloud Platform

Intelligent business from your Business Intelligence

We make it easy to cross reference your Sage with your CRM, your Excel with your Access, your assets with your inventory.

Track all the metrics that matter to your business in one consistent and easy to use layout.

In the office, on the go. Windows, Mac, tablet, phone.

Tap, pinch, zoom & click to new business insights.

We put your business information literally at your fingertips. Discover all the ways that make your business tick.

Delegate the number crunching to us so you can do what you do best: make smart decisions based on bang up-to-date facts.

Custom timely insights, anytime, anywhere.

It takes less than 5 minutes to show you.

Want to know more? Tap or click on the following short presentation demonstrating these features within The X Cloud Platform.

The maxxpal X Cloud Platform is readily accessible and customisable for businesses of ALL sizes. To learn more about how it could transform the way YOUR organisation operates, talk to us today

If you need a one page business case for your presentation click here

Request a call-back and we can arrange to demonstrate The X Cloud Platform to you remotely.

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